
What is a duty called when it applies to everyone at all

Question 1 What is a duty called when it applies to everyone at all times?


Question 2 Which of these is a problem that egoists have?

They don't want anyone to know that they are egoists.
They don't know whether their actions are right or wrong.
They don't have any role models to base their behavior on.
They don't have any way to judge the characters of other people.

Question 3 If a diabolical villain threatened to blow up a city unless you kill one innocent person, what would a kantian say you have to do?

refuse to kill the innocent person
kill the villain
kill the innocent person
kill the innocent person if they would die in the city anyway

Question 4 If you are on the Moon, what kind of rights do you not have?

legal rights
natural rights
moral rights
ethical rights

Question 5 When moral theorists talk about "pain", they are really talking about

absence of pleasure
emotional stress

Question 6 All humans are persons.


Question 7 Which moral theory would most likely be defended by feminists?

ethics of care
virtue ethics

Question 8 What do we call an action that is okay to perform, or one that is moral but not required?


Question 9 Sentimentalists think that an action is impermissible if it meets what condition?

it merits feelings of disapproval
it causes feelings of disapproval
it causes feelings of pain
it merits feelings of pain

Question 10 What do we call an action that you should not perform, or one that it would be immoral to perform?


Question 11 According to Friedman, corporate executives spending corporate funds to aid in some social responsibility, beyond what is required to maintain profits, is like doing what?

imposing taxes
stealing from suppliers
abusing employees
gambling with company money

Question 12 Who is most often associated with the classical U.S. view that a corporation's primary purpose is to maximize profits for stockholders?

Edward Freeman
Milton Friedman
John R. Boatright
David Hume

Question 13 Friedman argues that democracy (conformity) is necessary in public life, but a shareholder vote should not be allowed to change the profit-making mission of a corporation.


Question 14 According to Milton Friedman in "The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits," the managers of a company may spend corporate money on charitable enterprises only when:

they are sure that doing so will increase profits.
they truly believe the cause to be worthy.
they have expertise in the area.
they have had a profitable year.

Question 15 Friedman's view justifies anything that will lead to the maximization of profits including acting immorally or illegally.


Question 16 Which of the following, according to Freeman, is a primary stakeholder?

consumer advocate groups

Question 17 According to R. Edward Freeman in "Managing for Stakeholders," the Responsibility Principle

says that business executives are only responsible to their shareholders.
shows how business dealings are completely separate from ethics.
is implicit in most comprehensive views of ethics.
is a specific list of the responsibilities of business-persons.

Question 18 Freeman's Argument from Character has what as its central claim?

stakeholder management builds character
stakeholder management asks executives to consider the character of their company
stakeholder management demands that only executives with strong moral character can lead corporations
stakeholder management takes into consideration the character of each stakeholder group

Question 19 Corporate executives are not themselves stakeholders.


Question 20 According to Freeman, the law gives de facto standing to non-stockholder groups.


Question 21 When talking about whistle-blowing, Davis examines three paradoxes: "the paradox of burden," "the paradox of missing harm," and "the paradox of success."


Question 22 According to Michael Davis in "Some Paradoxes of Whistle-Blowing" which of these is not a paradox of whistle-blowing?

The paradox of shared responsibility.
The paradox of burden.
The paradox of missing harm.
The paradox of failure.

Question 23 According to Michael Davis in "Some Paradoxes of Whistle-Blowing" which of these is not required for a morally justified case of whistle-blowing under the "standard" theory of whistle-blowing?

The organization that the whistle-blower belongs to will, through product or policy, do serious and considerable harm.
The whistle-blower has reported the threat of harm to her superiors and it is obvious that her superiors will do nothing effective.
The whistle-blower has exhausted all additional internal procedures.
The whistle-blower is certain that if she does not blow the whistle that serious harm will occur.

Question 24 According to Davis, only someone who has been a member of an organization can blow the whistle.


Question 25 According to Duska, what two things does a business do in the free enterprise system?

Produces good/service and makes a profit.
Makes a profit and buys stock.
Give to charity and produces goods and services.
Trade and Transportation.

Question 26 According to Ronald Duska in "Whistle-Blowing and Employee Loyalty,"

people may have an obligation of loyalty to a company but not to a group.
people may have an obligation of loyalty to a group but not to a company.
people may have an obligation of loyalty to both a company and to a group.
people may have an obligation of loyalty to neither a company nor to a group.

Question 27 According to Ronald Duska you can not be loyal to a group.


Question 28 In "Whistle-Blowing and Employee Loyalty," Duska states that an employee must be loyal to their company as if it were a person.


Question 29 The responsibilities in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) theory are arranged from the least pressing obligation to the most pressing obligation.


Question 30 The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) gives business 4 responsibilities. They are the Philanthropic, Ethical, Legal, and ________ responsibilities.

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