
What is a domestic and foreign scholarly sources


This essay is four page essay. You may write about virtually about shinto

Here are some of the requirements:

The length of the assignment is four pages (plus a works cited page), double-spaced, 12pt font, standard margins. When using double spacing, the header is single spaced. There is no double-double spacing between paragraphs (i.e., only hit return once, just the same as between sentences in the same paragraph); the way you indicate a new paragraph is indentation. The title, if it is more than one line, is also single spaced. The header does not go into the body of the first page, it goes in the header - if you do not know how to use the "Insert Header" function, please find out how to do so before writing your paper. Every page must have a page number.

You are required to cite at least three scholarly sources, including Bresnan. That is, you must cite the Bresnan text, Awakening, and two additional sources. You may not cite wikipedia, online blogposts, New York Times articles (or other newspapers), popular websites, facebook articles, opinion writers, novels, comic books, TV shows, etc. This rule applies to both domestic (US) and foreign sources as well. You may cite anything scholarly. "What is a scholarly source?" you may ask. In short, it is a piece of academic writing which references other scholarly works. These include research books, journal articles, encyclopedia articles, periodicals, almanacs, published scientific studies and reports, ethnographies, some scientific and social-scientific government reports (these are iffy), some private and public think-tank data reports (also iffy), and many other sources.

Follow a style guide to determine how your sources should be cited. If you use footnotes (Chicago) you may not also use parenthetical (AMA, APA, MLA, etc.) in the same paper.

Even within the same style, footnote citation is not done in the same format as bibliographic citation.

Footnote: John Doe, Title in Italics (City: Publisher, Year).

Biblio: Doe, John. Title in Italics. City: Publisher, Year.

The paper must speak to a concise question or topic, as opposed to an overly-broad or unfocused exploration without any particular direction. Yes, this is an intro-level course, but you will be required to produce very precisely focused writing for the duration of your respective academic careers (and your professional careers as well).

If you write a persuasive paper - which is what you should all probably be writing - you must consider at least two sides of any given argument. That is, if you want to argue a particular point, you must summarize a scholar's (or scholars') argument for and another scholar's (or scholars') argument against that point. Only then can you give your own opinion on the matter, supporting your opinion with logic and evidence. Summarize both sides of the scholarly discourse on the subject, and then tell us which side you agree with and justify your assessment within the framework of reference that you have just laid out.

This assignment is what we call in academia a "culminating experience." It is an experience of putting all of your newly-acquired or increased knowledge and skills to work on producing a final research project. It boosts your confidence and gives you a sense of accomplishment, demonstrating to you that your investment of time and money is paying off. Since this is an intro course, the paper should be fun and low-stakes - that is, it should not be so stressful that students lose their minds! In this spirit, every student who turns in this assignment with all requirements fulfilled will receive a good grade.

Nota Bene: I never dock grades for content I disagree with. If, between a student and myself, there is a difference of opinion, this will never affect a student's grade: I don't need to agree with your opinion or be persuaded by your argument for your paper to be well-written. However, faulty logic and factual errors can adversely affect a grade. So, unless you are sure of 100% facticity, avoid absolute statements: Instead of "this is...," say, "perhaps this is...," or, "this may be," or, "it is reasonable to believe...." Suggestion is rhetorically much more effective and persuasive than declaration.

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History: What is a domestic and foreign scholarly sources
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