
What is a definition for a job specification


Case Study for Job Description and Job specification


JOB ANALYSIS: A method for determining the requirements and responsibilities of a job
JOB DESCRIPTION: A list of a job position's duties, responsibilities, competencies, tasks
JOB SPECIFICATION: a list of the requisite education, skills, knowledge and abilities

Artemis Medical Center and Ambulatory Care

Artemis Medical Center and Ambulatory Care has been growing in size as it offers quality health care to the patients of a growing suburban community. Dr. Charles, the Medical Center Administrator for Artemis is a person with good medical knowledge but lacks the knowledge and skills for human resources management.

Artemis Medical Center and Ambulatory Care has large quantities of medicine, medical equipment, spare parts for the hospital's medical equipment. The Medical Center has employed a Store Keeper for the Supply Chain Department of the Medical Center. Regrettably, this Store Keeper has no previous experience with managing supplies and inventories for medical facilities.

The Store Keeper is an engineer and has previous experience in being a store keeper managing inventory for engineers. Dr. Charles has been receiving complaints from staff, nurses and doctors of the non-availability of medicines, drugs, spare medical surgical tools and other consumable supplies needed for the Medical Center. The Administration at Artemis Medical Center and Ambulatory Care has conducted a job analysis for the position of a Store Keeper at a hospital or medical facility, but does not have a job description nor job specifications for the position of a Store Keeper at a medical facility.


I. Conduct brief research explaining the differences between a job description and job specifications. After responding to each question, delete the questions but keep your responses. Make sure you occasionally support a statement with a citation in APA format. Your essay should be double spaced and 12 font, Times New Roman. Minimum of 2 pages.

II. When you are ready to submit your essay, please delete all questions and arrange all your responses into paragraphs.

• What is the definition for a job description?
• According to your sources, how do you design a good job description?
• According to your sources, how is a job description useful?
• What is a definition for a job specification?
• What is the difference between a job specification and a job description?
• According to your sources, how do you write a good job specification?
• According to your sources, how are job specifications useful?

III. Write a sample job description and job specification for a store keeper for a medical facility or hospital that can be used by Artemis Medical Center and Ambulatory Care. Reference the template you used to create the job specification for the fictional medical center.

IV. Have the case study on the fist page, a reference page and a cover page

V. . Your research must have a short 3-4-minute PowerPoint presentation.

VI. PowerPoint Presentation template

• Title slide
• Agenda
• A definition for job description
• A definition for Job specification
• Introduce the case study
• Introduce the issue in the case study
• Summarize the job description for the position in the case study either in a few lines or in bullets
• What did you learn from this project
• References.

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HR Management: What is a definition for a job specification
Reference No:- TGS03283432

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