
What is a data analysis and interpretation

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Data become information when it is given meaning. This involves raw data analysis and interpretation. The analyzed and interpreted data then becomes information when a report is done based on the analyzed data.

Now, A computer is going to send a piece of data to another computer to tell it to shut off power to its customers. The computer may send a set of data. The receiving computer receives the information, assesses it, and delivers the command to shut off power. Maybe this is a security system for an information system. A breach is taking place, when the intruder breaks into the software, data is sent to the security control and gives it information of a possible breach. Another system also is aware of the breach and sends more data to the security control. The security control takes this information collected and realizes it is under attack, and prepares to respond. These simple steps happen all the time in the real world, usually without us ever thinking about it. Your thoughts?

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Basic Computer Science: What is a data analysis and interpretation
Reference No:- TGS01968011

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