
What is a current problem in engineering management


Students are to prepare a comprehensive report and presentation on a current problem in engineering management (e.g., motivating technical employees). The report should be 10-12 pages double-spaced and should contain some original work (at least five references recommended) and include proper citations of the work of others. The presentation should be in powerpoint and cover all the main points in your paper in about 5-7 minutes. All references/sources should be clearly identified. It should be concise, to the point and easily readable. Recommended format is an abstract (or summary), an introduction, the main body of the paper containing your analysis of the situation, results and recommendations, and conclusion. Prepare the paper is if you planned to submit it to the Harvard Business Review for publication, see https://hbr.org/guidelines-for-authors-hbr

Use material from these articles

Managing Oneself, by Drucker, HBR, January 2005.

What Makes a Leader? by Goleman, HBR, January 2004.

Why Should Anyone Be Led by You? by Goffee and Jones, HBR, September-October 2000.

Crucibles of Leadership, by Bennis and Thomas, HBR, September 2002.

What to Ask the Person in the Mirror, by Kaplan, HBR, January 2007.

Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time, by Schwartz and McCarthy, HBR, October 2007.

Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail, by Kotter, HBR, January 2007.

What Leaders Really Do? by Kotter, HBR, December 2001.

In Praise of the Incomplete Leader, by Ancona, Malone, Orlikowski and Senge, HBR, February 2007.

Management Time: Who's Got the Monkey? by Oncken and Wass, HBR, November-December 1999.

Moments of Greatness: Entering the Fundamental State of Leadership, by Quinn, HBR, July-August 2005.

One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? By Herzberg, HBR, January 2003.

Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change, by Christensen and Overdorf, HBR, March-April 2000.

Competing on Analytics, by Davenport, HBR, January 2006.

Putting the Balanced Scorecard to Work, by Kaplan and Norton, HBR, September-October 1993.

Marketing Myopia, by Levitt, HBR, July-August 2004.

What is Strategy? by Porter, HBR, November-December 1996.

The Core Competence of the Corporation, by Prahalad and Hamel, HBR, May-June 1990.

Innovation: The Classic Traps, by Kanter, HBR, November 2006.

Breakthrough Thinking From Inside the Box, by Coyne, Clifford and Dye, HBR, December 2007.

How to Kill Creativity, by Amabile, HBR, September-October 1998.

Putting Your Company's Whole Brain to Work, by Leonard and Straus, HBR, July-August 1997.

How to Avoid Catastrophe, by Tinsley, Dillon and Madsen, HBR, April 2011.

How Financial Engineering Can Advance Corporate Strategy, by Tufano, HBR, January-February 1996.

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