
What is a current or hot topic in news that related to


Part 1- APA Format- 250 Words- 3 References

Many of the countries in Southeast Asia depend heavily on their natural resources. Choose a country in Southeast Asia and discuss what resources they depend on and how they use them. For instance, do they transform them into something else, or do they sell the resources on the world markets? Also discuss some of the problems caused by this resource use, and how sustainable these resources are for the future.

Part 2- APA Format- 1-2 short paragraphs-Choose Topic 1 or 2

Environmental topics are in the news every day. In this forum you will find an article about an environmental science topic that interests you (it should be different than your research presentation topic). The article should be current and from a defensible/reliable source.

Part I. Questions:

Your response should be no more than 1-2 short paragraphs. Since this is not a writing assignment but a discussion, you will not need to formally reference your work but need to attribute it to the source you found it, something likely you do in everyday conversation. For example, "Yesterday I was reading in the Washington Post that . . " or, "I found this interesting video on YouTube."

Choose one of the following topics to research and post on. Make sure to choose an area that others have not already posted on. Place the environmental area in the title of your response to make sure no one posts on the same thing (for example your title might be "Kodiac Bear Conservation").

Topic 1: Hot News

What is a current or "hot" topic in the news that related to environmental science that interests you?

Include these areas in your discussion in sufficient detail:

• Background to the news story
• Summary of the issue and why you find it interesting
• Application of the issue to our daily lives

Topic 2: Environmental Success

Focus, both in our classroom and the media, is often on the major environmental problems. Too often the positive success stories go unnoticed. Choose a success story related to the environment utilizing at least one reference source. Include these areas in your discussion in sufficient detail:

• Background to the success story
• Summary of the success
• Application of the success to other environmental issues or problems.

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Dissertation: What is a current or hot topic in news that related to
Reference No:- TGS02266347

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