Response to the following Discussion Questions:
1: What is a Crisis?
There are many different definitions of what a crisis is. What is your definition? Which theory described in the textbook do you feel best explains a crisis situation? Share your reasons with your classmates.
2: Crisis Domain
Which crisis domain appears to be the most difficult one in which to achieve a successful intervention, and why?
3: Communication and Subordinates
How would you encourage and/or facilitate communication between yourself as a first-line supervisor and your subordinates? Between you and management?
4: Problem Oriented Policing
Problem oriented policing is the primary strategy of community oriented policing. The community and police work together analyzing community problems and develop customized responses and strategies to combat these problems. Problems are identified by the community as recurring incidents or matters of concern.
How would you utilize the SARA Model to address problems in your own community?
APA style Answer all topics.