Attempt all questions. Parts of a question must be answered together. Each question carries equal marks.
Q1. What is a copy constructor in C++? How it is declared? Explain with a suitable example.
Q2. How can the unary operator ++ be overloaded in C++ for postfix operation? Demonstrate with a suitable example.
Q3. How does C++ help with the trade-off of safety vs. usability?
Q4. What is the output of following program? Justify your answer.
using namespace std;
class Test
static int x;
Test() { x++; }
static int getX() {return x;}
int Test::x = 0;
int main()
cout << Test::getX() << " ";
Test t[5];
cout << Test::getX();
Q5.What is difference between a template and a macro? Give suitable example of each.
Q6. Implement a function f that takes three arguments: pointers to two integer arrays A and B and the size N. It then populates B where B[i] is the product of all A[j] where j ≠ i.
For example: if A = { 2,1,5,9 } then B will be { 45,90,18,10 }.
Q7. How can we create an abstract class in C++? Explain with suitable example.
Q8. Write a C++ program to copy one file into another.
Q9. What will be the result of following expressions when they are executed in sequence?
void main()
int a = 10, b = 20,c,d,e,f;
c = ++a + ++a + ++a;
b=b++ + b++;
e=a++ + --a + b--;
f=b-- & ++a + b++;
Q10. Write a C++ program using classes and objects to simulate result preparation system for 20students. The data available for each student includes:Name (includes first, mid and last name each of size 20 characters), Rollno, Marks in 3 subjects. The percentage marks and grade are to be calculated from the following information:
Percentage marks grade
<50 F
≥ 50<60 D
≥ 60<75 C
≥ 75<90 B
≥ 90<100 A