
What is a consumers republic according to lizabeth cohen


• Define Banet-Weiser's term "consumer citizenship" in your own words.

• Is there a brand culture or brand lifestyle you identify with? How and why have you chosen to align a segment of your identity with this particular company?

Brand as Image, Symbol, and Icon:

• Define pseudo individuality in your own words.

The Spaces of Modern Consumerism:

• What is "a consumer's republic" according to Lizabeth Cohen?

Brand Ideologies:

• What is "therapeutic ethos"? Name a brand or product that is contemporaneously using this model to sell products.

Commodity Fetishism and the Rise of the Knowing Consumer:

• Find an example of "culture jamming" not pictured in this book and attach it to this file and briefly explain how it embodies this term.

Social Awareness and the Selling of Humanitarianism:

• What is "greenwashing"? Do you think it's effective or has the potential to create more skepticism around a product?

Social Media, Consumer Data and the Changing Spaces of Consumption:

• What is guerilla marketing? Give a specific example of this form of marketing.

DIY Culture, the Share Economy, and New Entrepreneurism:

• Give an example of an "alternative space of consumerism" like the given example "Sleep Bedder" that you have visited either in Detroit or in your home community. What are the "pros" of such a space? What are the "cons" (especially when compared to larger alternatives)?

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History: What is a consumers republic according to lizabeth cohen
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