
What is a complex invasion sport

Answer the following questions:

Question 1: When did the first baseball box score appear? Who developed the batting average and when was this introduced?

Question 2: According to Pete Palmer, what is the first objective of a hitter?

Question 3: According to Bill Gerrard, what is a "complex invasion sport"? What are examples of this kind of sport?

Question 4: Why is it difficult to statistically model a complex invasion sport? What happens if you ignore the nature of complex invasion sports and simply attempt to estimate the impact of every player statistic in a single equation?

Question 5: In 2016-17, Andrew Wiggins attempted 1,570 field goals for Minnesota Timberwolves, a mark that led the team. His effective field goal percentage, though, was only 48.4%. This mark was below the league average and the Timberwolf's average. So if Wiggins was removed from the team, what would likely happen to this team's offense?

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