
What is a closely held corporation

Discuss the below:

What is a "closely held corporation?" How is a "large employer" defined under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)? Summarize the court's decision in this case. How broad an impact do you think the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby will have? Why?

If you have an employer, does your employer have a wellness program? If so, is it a "participatory" plan or a "health contingent" plan? If it is a "health contingent" plan, is it an "activity only" or an "outcome based plan?" What, if any, changes were required to your employer's wellness program when the new ACA Final Wellness Regulations went into effect January 1, 2014? If your employer does not have a wellness program or you are not employed, what advice would you give your current or future employer regarding the implementation of a wellness program? How can a wellness program violate the ADA?

What "core coverages" can be continued under COBRA? What are the three basic requirements for COBRA coverage? How long can participants continue coverage under COBRA?

Under what circumstances might a former employee be better off dropping COBRA coverage and purchasing health insurance through the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace?

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Other Subject: What is a closely held corporation
Reference No:- TGS01845707

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