
What is

What factors led to the transformation of Southern attitudes toward slavery?

Which group would have been most likely to appreciate the aesthetic of Thomas Cole's paintings?

The American Colonization Society was formed with what purpose?

The Female Moral Reform Society attempted to vanquish

How had Christians traditionally regarded the consumption of alcohol?

Which is the best summary of the doctrine of coverture?

A supporter of temperance believed

What is millennialism?

To what did Transcendentalists look for inspiration and insight?

Such reformers as Mary Gove and Paulina Wright were interested in

Why might slave religion be regarded as a form of resistance?

Given that wealthy white Southerners enjoyed such entertainment as jousting and settled matters of honor with dueling, what seems to have been one major difference between Southern and Northern cultures?

Most Southern whites were yeoman farmers who

The system of centralized factories and company-owned dormitories was originally named for the first mill town, established in

German immigrants differed from Irish immigrants in that they




Which of the following accurately describes the casualties of Nat Turner's Rebellion?

All of the following are true of Southern planters EXCEPT that

Before 1815, most American farmers

The writings of plantation mistresses show their lives to have been

By 1860, free blacks accounted for what percentage of the South's African-American population?

Urban populations grew rapidly in nineteenth-century America because of both immigration and

Why was the biblical story of Exodus particularly popular among slaves?

Before the arrival of the steamboat,

As a result of Nat Turner's Rebellion,

Which of the following best describes Charles Grandison Finney's theology?

Which of the following would most certainly be a proponent of immediatism?



According to Orson S. Fowler, what was the advantage of an octagon-shaped house?

For what reason did Frederick Douglass include his own picture and signature in his book, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave?

According to the video presentation, who was famous for his sermon on the Hamilton and Burr duel called "Remedy for Dueling"?

According to the video presentation, who is the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints?

Who founded the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints?

All of the following were supporters of women's rights EXCEPT

What did the Millerites anticipate first in March 1843 and later on October 22, 1844?

The "cult of true womanhood" identified women with

Such reformers as Mary Gove and Paulina Wright were interested in

The Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 marked the beginning of

What was the Second Great Awakening?

The importance of festivities combining work and leisure to traditional community life most likely indicated that before the market revolution,

By 1840, which means of transportation had the greatest impact on the speed with which goods and people could move around the country?

What caused the dramatic increase in the number of books, newspapers, and magazines in early nineteenth-century America?

During the 1840s and 1850s, the greatest proportion of immigrants to the United States came from



Which is the best definition of an artisan?

Which of the following does NOT characterize the New York neighborhood of Five Points?

What did author Alexis de Tocqueville believe caused "almost all the differences which may be noticed between the characters of the Americans in the Southern and in the Northern states"?

What did the endurance of dueling in the South reveal about Southern white culture?

Most Southern tenant farmers viewed African Americans as

How did the approach to imprisoning criminals at a penitentiary differ from earlier approaches?



How did Henry "Box" Brown support the abolitionist cause?



What event led Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to focus their attention on the oppression of women?


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