
What is 3d trademark in general general and as per uae

Structure as follows :

1- Abstract

2- Keywords :

3- Introduction and background

4- What is 3D trademark in general general and as per UAE trademarks law and other international conventions such as :Paris, Madrid trips ? the deference between trademark and branding

3- Discussion

1-Non traditional trademark overall (such as sound ,color and,,, the deep discussion shall be in 3D trademark in comparison with ‘industrial design' but with reference to (UAE law, court precedents, international conventions, USA law in 3d trademark and arab countries of 3D trademark, law, international conventions , practices....etc)

2- Civil and criminal protection for 3D trademark( under UAE trademark law and international conventions

3- recognition of 3D trademarks in UAE ,USA and other Arab countries,

4- Registration of 3D trademarks in UAE and other countries like USA and internationally (MADRID convention)

Formal conditions and substantive conditions


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Dissertation: What is 3d trademark in general general and as per uae
Reference No:- TGS01684706

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