
What is meant by the statement leadership is a process not

Part I

1. What is meant by the statement "leadership is a process, not a position"? Give examplesof how Jesus modeled this in the Bible and how you personally can model this in theworkplace.

2. What is the difference between leading and coaching? Give examples of how Jesus ledand coached in the Bible.

Part II

Efforts to implement change are more likely to be successful if a godly leader understands thereasons for resistance to change and the targets, phases and different strategies for change and itssuccessful implementation. The change resistance reaction pattern has four stages: denial,anger, mourning and adaptation[1],[2] . People resist change for a number of different reasons:

  • Lack of trust
  • Belief that change is unnecessary
  • Belief that change is not feasible
  • Economic threats
  • Relative high cost
  • Fear of personal failure
  • Loss of status and power
  • Threat to values and ideals
  • Resentment of interference

Using the gospel of Matthew, answer the following questions and post to this week's discussionthread. Be sure to identify your verses, explain your answer and finish by asking a thoughtfulopen ended question.

  • Use at least 2 of the reasons listed in the bullet points above and identify the behaviorsreligious and political leaders exhibited that demonstrate their resistance to change.
  • What did Jesus do to attempt to overcome their resistance?

Also, please provide an open-ended question to have a discussion

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Operation Management: What is meant by the statement leadership is a process not
Reference No:- TGS01088544

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