What is being called by line 20 of Listing 2? How is the balance value of the object referenced by the variable accountTwo being set?
Here is the code:
3 import java.util.Scanner;
4 import java.util.Random;
6 public class AccountTester
7 {
8 Random randomNumbers = new Random();
9 Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);
11 public void testAccountClass()
12 {
13 System.out.println("nn*** Testing the Account Class ***");
15 System.out.printf("nCurrent Interest Rate: %.2f%%", Account.CURRENT_RATE *
16 100.0);
18 System.out.println("nnCreating Account Objects");
19 Account accountOne = new Account(5000.0);
20 Account accountTwo = new Account(accountOne);
21 accountOne.displayValues("nInitial Values for Account One:");
22 accountTwo.displayValues("nInitial Values for Account Two:");
24 System.out.println("nnExercising Account Transactions");
25 accountOne.credit(0.0);
26 accountOne.debit(-6);
27 accountTwo.credit(-1.50);
28 accountTwo.debit(100.0);
29 accountTwo.debit(5000);
30 exerciseTransactions(accountOne, 100, 500.0);
31 exerciseTransactions(accountTwo, 250.0);
32 accountOne.displayValues("nnUpdated Values for Account One:");
33 accountTwo.displayValues("nUpdated Values for Account Two:");
35 System.out.println("nnExercising Future Value Calculators");
36 System.out.printf(" Calculation 1: $%.2fn", accountOne.futureValue(6.5,
37 0.05));
38 System.out.printf(" Calculation 2: $%.2fn", accountOne.futureValue(15,
39 0.05));
40 System.out.printf(" Calculation 3: $%.2fn", accountTwo.futureValue(6.5));
41 System.out.printf(" Calculation 4: $%.2fn", accountTwo.futureValue(15));
42 System.out.println("nn*** Testing Complete ***n");
43 }
45 private void exerciseTransactions(Account thisAccount, int testCount,
46 double limit)
47 {
48 int count = 0;
49 while( count < testCount )
50 {
51 if( (count % 3) != 0 )
52 thisAccount.credit(getDataValue(limit));
53 else
54 thisAccount.debit(getDataValue(limit));
55 count++;CSC-240 Java Programming - Exam One Listings Page 4 of 6
56 }
57 }
59 private void exerciseTransactions(Account thisAccount, double limit)
60 {
61 char answer;
62 displayMenu();
63 do
64 {
65 answer = getUserCommand();
66 switch( answer )
67 {
68 case 'D':
69 thisAccount.debit(getUserValue(limit));
70 break;
71 case 'C':
72 thisAccount.credit(getUserValue(limit));
73 break;
74 case 'V':
75 thisAccount.displayValues();
76 break;
77 case 'M':
78 displayMenu();
79 break;
80 }
81 }
82 while( answer != 'Q' );
83 }
85 private double getDataValue(double maxValue)
86 {
87 return 1.0 + randomNumbers.nextDouble() * maxValue;
88 }
90 private double getUserValue(double limit)
91 {
92 double thisValue;
93 do
94 {
95 System.out.printf("Please enter a value (0.0 - %.2f): ", limit);
96 thisValue = userInput.nextDouble();
97 if( !(thisValue >= 0.0 && thisValue <= limit) )
98 System.out.printf("? Invalid input: %.2fn", thisValue);
99 }
100 while( thisValue < 0.0 || thisValue > limit );
101 return thisValue;
102 }
104 private void displayMenu()
105 {
106 System.out.println("nnPlease enter one of the following:");
107 System.out.println(" D - to test the debit method");
108 System.out.println(" C - to test the credit method");
109 System.out.println(" V - to display the values of the Account");
110 System.out.println(" M - to re-display this menu");
111 System.out.println(" Q - to exit this testn");
112 }CSC-240 Java Programming - Exam One Listings Page 5 of 6
114 private char getUserCommand()
115 {
116 char thisChar;
117 boolean goodChar;
118 do
119 {
120 System.out.print("Enter a command letter: ");
121 thisChar = userInput.next().toUpperCase().charAt(0);
122 goodChar = (thisChar == 'D' || thisChar == 'C' || thisChar == 'M' ||
123 thisChar == 'Q' || thisChar == 'V');
124 if( !goodChar )
125 System.out.println("That is not a valid command letter");
126 }
127 while( goodChar == false );
128 return thisChar;
129 }
130 }