What intent to commit did he demonstrate to commit murder


PART A. Police Discretion vs. Discrimination (150 words)

Evaluate how discretion may or may not allow for one's individual prejudices to influence the manner in which a person is dealt with in a police encounter. Does police discretion enable police discrimination? Provide example(s) and/or case law to support your discussion.

PART B. Judging Yourself (2 pages/3 references)

You are a judge who believes that individuals should be allowed to choose when to die.

You personally had to watch both your parents die long and agonizing deaths because your state does not have a right-to-die statute. Before you is a doctor who is being prosecuted for giving a lethal dose of morphine to a patient dying of terminal cancer. The family of the patient did not want the prosecution, the majority of the public is not in favor of the prosecution, but the prosecutor believes that if there is a law in place, it should be enforced. The doctor has opted for a bench trial.

PART C. Attempt Crimes and Internet Chat Rooms (150 words)

Read this article exploring "Attempt Crimes and Internet Chat Rooms"- “U WANT ME 2 KILL HIM?” BY JUDY BACHRACH.

Compare this cases events to the case holdings provided on pages 98-99 of your text book.

What intent to commit did he demonstrate to commit murder? Do you think the internet chat room he was on matters, if so why?

PART D. Insanity Defense (1 page)

Write a paper exploring the use of the defense "insanity." Use one (or more) of the following examples for you analysis, and be sure to use appropriate APA formatting and citations:

• John Hinkley
• Lorena Bobbitt
• Jonathan Schmitz

PART E. Defending a Killer (150 words)

Your first big case is a multiple murder. As defense attorney representing the killer, you have come to the realization that he really did break into a couple's home and torture and kill them in the course of robbing them of jewelry and other valuables. He has even confessed to you that he did it. However, you are also aware that the police did not read him his Miranda warning and that he was coerced into giving a confession without your presence. What should you do? Would your answer be different if you believed that he was innocent or didn't know for sure either way?

What ethical judgments(s), moral rules and ethical systems can be applied in this situation?

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: What intent to commit did he demonstrate to commit murder
Reference No:- TGS02994688

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