
What instrument family is the featured instrument in


A. Find a short solo of music from a culture that is not mainstream Western pop. It should be a video of one person playing an instrument in that culture's style. Here are some example searches you can put into YouTube:

a. solo [country] music: "solo Mexican music", "solo Chinese music", "solo Indian music"

b. solo [instrument from another culture] music: "solo guitarrón music", "solo guzheng music", "solo sitar music"

B. Use the checklist from the last two pages to describe that music! I've included it here for you.

a. Pitch

i. Are the pitches in this example generally high, low, or all over the place?
ii. Do you hear one pitch at a time, or multiple pitches at once?
iii. Do you hear any series of pitches (melodies) that repeat?

b. Duration

i. Are the musical notes played generally short, long, or a mixture of both?
ii. Do you hear any patterns of durations (rhythms) that repeat?

c. Timbre

i. What adjectives would you use to describe the tone quality of this instrument?
ii. What instrument family is the featured instrument in?

d. Texture

i. Can you hear a melody?
ii. Can you hear any other sound in the background?

e. Dynamic

i. Is the featured instrument loud or soft?
ii. Is the background sound (if it exists) loud or soft?

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