
What insights might you gain from your peers assessments

Assignment task:

  • What in your peers' posts differs from your own reactions to the questions?
  • What insights might you gain from your peers' assessments of potential advantages for understanding how we learn?

Question 1: By understanding and having the capability to analytically and critically review my processing abilities, learning behaviours and attention, I can utilize that information and knowledge to better the weak areas in my learning behavior. The ability to objectively identify and observe my learning objective allows me to mould my strategies and surroundings to better my understanding and retention of learning materials in ways that work best for me.

Question 2: By better understanding my learning process, I can focus on what is important to different companies and use the acquired knowledge to better my performance. This can help me choose the right career to maximize my strengths, become a model employee, relate well with other employees and specialize in the right areas.

Question 3: My increased understanding of how I learn will enable me to make better decisions about my career goals, focus on what I want, and ensure I don't let someone else choose a career for me. I will also pass the knowledge to others in the community to help them better understand themselves and make good career choices based on their learning processes and strategies. I will also be able to identify and collaborate with people with the same learning processes and strategies to help each other achieve our career goals.

Question 4: I learned a lot of important things about myself throughout this class. The class was very informative, and it exceeded my expectations. The course has helped me better my learning skills as it made me realize that every individual must understand their learning processes and information processing as we all learn and process information differently. The course made me realize how little I knew about the roles played by cognitivism, behaviourism, constructivism and humanism theories in our learning processes. The class also helped me realize how significant experimental learning is to me. I reflected on my learning processes and realized that I do better with courses that involve experiences and practical classes.

Question 5: What I have learned about my peers is that some of them, even though they had never studied a topic like this before, had already learned to use some of the strategies we discussed in class. They know what works for them and are focused on achieving their goals. I have learned that they all are intelligent individuals who are determined to succeed and set good examples for their loved ones, just like I am determined to be an excellent example to my children.

Question 6: Since I have more courses to take before I attain my degree, I will use the knowledge and the insights I have learned in this class to better my learning behaviour and perform better in my future courses. I will also allow other people to learn in their own preferred ways without being impulsive and use these strategies to help my children learn appropriately.

Question 7: I agree that metacognition will improve my ability to learn more effectively because I will be able to analyze my thinking and learning, which consequently will help me set clear learning goals, keep me on track with my learning progress and development of better study habits which will make me a better student.

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Other Subject: What insights might you gain from your peers assessments
Reference No:- TGS03376968

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