
What insights did you gain from this reading as we examine

50 words each (#1-7 respond to or add to these post/comments using Gilgamesh. (2017). Encyclopedia Britannica, n/a. and Bertman, S. (2002).

Epic of Gilgamesh. Handbook to Life in Mesopotamia, n/a.) and #8 personal knowledge or any sourceto answer

1. Of the collection of stories in "Sumerian Tales of Bilgames" this article shows, the one that drew my attention the most was "Bilgames and the Cedar Mountain". This was because this particular story showcased the similarities Bilgames shares with other characters from other mythologies and even some of their adventures. Actually, it is more like what those characters share with Bilgames, seeing as Bilgames is older than all of them.

After reading this article, it makes me think if story tellers, poets, etc., from later civilizations knew about this epic and were inspired by it or if it was just a coincidence that Bilgames desired immortality like Achilles, used brains over brawn like Ulysses, and sought an item protected by a terrifying creature like Jason. Well, again, more like how Achilles, Ulysses, and Jason had similarities and adventures like Bilgames.

2. What insights did you gain from this reading? As we examine this week's objectives, who would you consider the hero in this story? Please explain your reasoning.

3. After reviewing this and other readings this week, what common elements or themes do you see presented with heroes? For example, some journey on a quest and go through great lengths including dealing with villains or demons that are against them.Thanks for sharing that you found this reading interesting and that it highlighted the different seasons. Although it the story was brief there were some elements about the goddesses shared. How does Demeter or Persephone as divinities compare with other divinities discussed this week? I look forward to your response.

4. This was a very different and interesting story. Gilgamesh is not the typical hero, he is arrogant and outrageous with his behavior, so much so his people prayed to Anu to help them! I think this story was also pointing man toward accepting death because toward the end of the story Gilgamesh wants to become immortal, maybe due to his friend dying.

Utanpishtim( an immortal human who Gilgamesh descended from) told him to count his blessings, that it is the will of the Gods that man must die. Gilgamesh was given the task of staying up 6 days and 7 nights and would then become immortal, he failed this task. He was then given the opportunity to become young again if he retrieved this plant flower, and after he retrieved it he left it on the beach where a snake ate it. So he never became young or immortal

5. Thanks for sharing your insights about Gilgamesh. Thanks for also sharing that you found him a hero. As a result of this reading, what are some of the common elements that you noticed in these mythical heroic journeys? For example, in many of their journeys, the hero encounters some element of change or transformation as a result of their experience. Thanks for your post. I look forward to reading your response.

6. Any topic about the reading

7. Is a celebrity the same thing as a hero? Explain why or why not. Provide examples.

8. What is your definition of a hero? What kinds of things do heroes do that ordinary people do not do? Why do you think they do those things?

Identify some people you consider real or personal heroes. What characteristics do your contemporary heroes share with their mythical counterparts? Does this make them mythological heroes? Explain why or why not.

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Operation Management: What insights did you gain from this reading as we examine
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