
What information security problem does the company address

Question: After several weeks of reading, discussing, and writing about a variety of issues related to cyber security I know that you have a better understanding of some of the things that constitute good security. And considering that so much of communication and interpersonal interaction in the business world is already digital and is becoming increasingly so, I thought that a more personal approach to delivering your research would serve you better overall. For many of you, this will be the first time that you've been asked to create a self-narrating presentation. This may at first seem at best daunting or at worst impossible. However, I contend that not only is it quite possible (I've done presentations this way myself) it will in fact be excellent training for the "real world" workplace in which you already are, or will become a part. For some of you, you may see this as an opportunity to pursue creating online tutorials or even creating a podcast. Ultimately, you will have fun doing this assignment while developing research skills, interpersonal skills - way more than just a research paper could do.

The Scenario I am the Chief Information Security Officer of the organization for which you are working. You are one of my Cyber Security Managers. I need to know what companies are addressing some of the concerns we have regarding cyber security. I have tasked you with creating a self-narrated presentation that can be given to other members of our global security team for review. Outcome I want you to choose a company that focuses on addressing one or more problems related to information security (I must approve the company you select via email). Be careful to not plagiarize material. Your presentation should not exceed 10 minutes and must include the following topics (at a minimum) in your slides:

• Company Introduction.

• What information security problem does the company address?

• What information security products does the company have to solve the problem?

• Why is the information security problem that the company is focusing on important?

• Who is the customer for this information security solution?

• What other problems in information security can this company address?

• What competition does the company have?

• How does the company make money?

• Conclusion.

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Computer Engineering: What information security problem does the company address
Reference No:- TGS02789204

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