Research a member of the House Representatives from your home state. Describe in 3-5 pages the connection between the member's home style and Capitol Hill style.
In an introductory paragraph, state the connection and the principal challenges the Representative faces. In 2 parts, describe the home style and the Capitol Hill style of the member using the suggested points below. Write a short conclusion about the member's style in relating to constituents and comment/reflect on your experience with the assignment.
You must compose this review according to current Turabian footnote-bibliography format. Include a list of complete citations of the resources consulted. To complete the assignment adequately, the list must include 6-10 citations. You must include a title page and a bibliography page, but they do not count toward the required length of the assignment.
Home style
How does the member present himself/herself and his/her record to his/her constituency?
• Describe the member's website. (How does it compare to the page of another member?)
o What information or links are provided?
o What's the appeal?
• Election year campaign
o Major issues and debates, etc.
o Extent of national party involvement
o Election results (margin of victory)
• Off-year local news story
• Describe the member's district
o Party affiliation demographics
o Major commercial interests and constituent income sources
o Active interest groups in the member's district
Capitol Hill Style
Lawmaking and other duties
• Committee/subcommittee memberships
o Jurisdiction of the subcommittees/committees
o Agencies overseen
• Sponsored legislation (or legislation before subcommittess/committees)
o Bill number and Congress (popular name)
o Is the legislation of national party/presidential importance?
o Did the member speak on the floor in congressional debate?
• Committee reports
• Committee hearings - who testified?
• Caucus memberships
• Party and other duties or noteworthy presidential contacts.