
What information leads you to that conclusion


I. Read each case below. Each case provides a behavior in italics that is to be the focus of your application of attribution theory. Each case provides a small piece of additional information. Use this added information (not in italics) to clearly explain your reasoning behind the behavior (in italics).

II. Select TWO cases to analyze and apply attribution theory.

III. Address all four principles of attribution theory in each selected case. Label these clearly by bolding or underlining the principle. If you do not think there is enough information to apply one of the four principles, simply state, "Not enough information to apply this principle." You may also extend your thinking and clearly state what else might be going on to apply the principles.

IV. In each selected case, rewrite the case, then follow the following process for your written analysis:

1) THINK: Ask yourself,... "Why did [name] [behavior]?" i.e. "Why did [Mita] [perform poorly in the race]?"
2) WRITE: Then, write/explain why... "The [name] [behavior]...because..."
3) ANALYZE/APPLY & WRITE: Then, apply the principles of attribution theory... what principle(s) might underlie your explanation?

Here are some questions to guide your analysis as you apply the principles: Principle of locus...was the behavior in italics due to internal causes - for example, personality characteristics, and traits or personal motives (person)- or external causes - for example, the particular situation, the demands of others who might be in positions of authority, or the behaviors of others (circumstance or stimuli.) What information leads you to that conclusion? Explain. Principle of consistency...Is [name]'s behavior consistent? What information leads you to that conclusion? Explain. Principle of distinctiveness...Is [name]'s behavior distinctive? What information leads you to that conclusion? Explain. Principle of controllability...Did/Does [name] have control over [the behavior]? What information leads you to that conclusion? Explain.

• Mita's performance in the race was disappointing. For the last few days, she had to tend to her sick grandfather and got too little sleep.

• Karla just failed her chemistry test. A number of other students (in fact, some 40 percent of the class) also failed the test. Karla has never failed a chemistry test before and, in fact, has never failed any other test in her life.

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