I am having difficulty deciding what information is pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the diagnosis.
The Primary diagnosis is acute laryngitis
The differential diagnosis are (i) acute pharyngitis, (ii) allergic rhinitis and (iii) acute rhinitis.
Pertinent positives I stated so far: hoarseness, sore throat, pain with swallowing, dry cough, dry throat, post nasal drip
Pertinent negatives: denies recent illness?, denies recent exposure to other that are sick?, denies fever?
HPI: M.T is a pleasant 23-year-old Caucasian female who presents today with the chief complaints of a sore throat that started 3 days ago. It is described as a dry, constant scratch in the back of her throat, does not radiate, relieved temporarily with cold drinks and aggravated by swallowing. The soreness is rated as a 4 on a scale of 0-10. She has not taken any medication for symptom relief. She reports that her voice has become very hoarse, her throat feels dry, and she developed a dry cough, sinus congestion, post nasal drip, generalized body aches and increased fatigue over the past 2 days. She denies fever, chills, night sweats, chest pain, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, or recent illness. She does not recall any known recent exposure to others who are sick but reports she has been working more than usual and has a lot of interaction with multiple people which also involves a lot of talking throughout her day.