
What information is contained in a public budget

Assignment task:

Please provide a peer response to your below classmate post

"What information is contained in a public (federal or state) budget?

In both state and federal budgets there is a culmination of anticipated spending for the fiscal year, what is expected to come in as revenue, as well as outlining what agencies are going to get in the way of money allocation. Overall, the budget of both state and federal outlines what comes in and what goes out when it comes to money. The one thing that I take away from a budget is what is my October to October going to look like? Is my fascial year going to be changed in any way? That is what the state and federal budgets offer you, a look into the future. Your budget is going to tell you what your taxes are going to look like and what they are going towards. It also tells you where programs are getting cut or getting more funding. If there is a particular issue that you are concerned with, your state or federal budget will tell you what is allocated for those programs or initiatives.

What are the respective roles of line agencies, the central budget office, the chief executive and the legislative body?

The line agency acts as the organization that "translates goals into reality". While staff agencies are there to help carryout the goals. The central budget office is there to act as a command operation, monitoring spending. The chief executive is in place to make the big decisions and act as a point of contact to the people. As for legislature, they are in place to act as an assembly with the authority to create and enact laws. The key take away here is that all of these agencies and organizations have to work together to create any type of change for a state or government on a large scale. Take a roadway for example, all organizations and agencies are involved due to needing to have the certain road outlined, getting the workers employed, having workers to the actual construction, a budget to get the resources needed as well as paying the workers. Congress is involved saying "hay this amount goes towards beatification of roadways". Everyone is working behind the scenes to ensure and carry out.


Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2024). Government budget. Encyclopædia Britannica.

The role of executive agencies in budget development: In brief. Congress dot gov. (2023).

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