Discussion Question: Currently (and historically), Texas has low civic participation compared to other states in the U.S. With low civic participation, how does this influence the public policy priorities of elected officials in Texas? Review the following resources for your discussion (in addition to the Civic Health Index and textbook) to highlight your analysis and conclusions. Resources Further Background on Texas' Political Cultures & Voter Turnout "State Political Culture | Texas Government." Lumen Learning, Lumen Learning "Turnout as a Percentage of Voting-Age Population in Five Types of Texas Elections and Presidential Elections Nationwide, 1970-2016." The Texas Politics Project, 10 Oct. 2017 Mckenzie, James. "Voter Turnout in Texas: Can It Be Higher?.Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader " Texas A&M University Bush School of Government and Public Service., The Mosbacher Institute, Sept. 2019