What industries specifically would benefit from the project


A. Describe at the Keystone XL Pipeline project with respect to what it is and the agreement between Canada and the US.

B. Describe in general the economic impact of the project and then the environmental concerns. Do not include the impact from its shut down in this section.

C. Using your knowledge of microeconomics learned from this course describe the following from Canada's perspective:

D. What industries specifically would benefit from this project?

E. What would the project do for the livelihood of the people employed by the project?

F. How has the shut down of the pipeline impacted the industry and people that were employed by the project?

G. Using your knowledge of macroeconomics learned from this course, describe the following:

H. What benefits would the XL Pipeline have provided for the federal government of Canada and Canadians? (Hint: Consider tax revenues and jobs)

I. What concerns would the XL Pipeline have created for the federal government of Canada and Canadians? (Hint: Consider the environmental effects)

J. What has been the impact of the shutdown on the economic relations between Canada and the US?

K. If you were the Prime Minister of Canada,

L. How would you use the shutting down of the XL Pipeline to negotiate with the US President for better trade relations for Canada?

M. What would you do to help the individuals negatively impacted by the shutdown of the Pipeline?

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Microeconomics: What industries specifically would benefit from the project
Reference No:- TGS03279004

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