
What incident caused your call to action this can be

Each response should be a couple sentences:

1. All journey's begin with a unique "setup" for the hero. Let's take a look at your backstory (keep the end of your story in mind). Where have you been?

2. Tell us about the hero (you). Be as transparent as possible. Audiences want to feel for the hero. Describe your beliefs, the circumstances behind who you are. Basically, what makes you a hero?

3. Tell use what you must achieve at all costs (must be meaningful to the hero and the audience). What's at stake must drive you to sacrifice.

4. What incident caused your call to action? This can be self-imposed or created by outside factors. What moment made the switch for you to take action?

5. The who's and what's that you struggled against. These are the obstacles and roadblocks you faced. This can be physical, mental, a person, a place or thing. Many times there are more than one.

6. All heroes have a mentor. This special person provides wisdom, guidance of experience and encouragement. Who is your mentor?

7. As you near the final moment of obtaining the treasure one last trial ensues. What trial(s) right before you reached success struck? How did they affect you?

8. Even with the odds against you, success is achieved. What was overcome? What did obtaining the treasure feel like?

9. With treasure in hand, how did the journey and obtaining the treasure change you? How did your future change? What was your moral of the story and how does it reflect common values with the audience?

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Business Management: What incident caused your call to action this can be
Reference No:- TGS02472211

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