
What in your opinion are the most important research issues


When evaluating research in public safety, you should ask yourself, "How useful is this information?" The challenge is for you to evaluate the methodology of the research to determine whether the results are indeed credible and whether they can be practically applied. Fortunately, most primary research journals (a journal where research is first disclosed) have a strict peer-review process where multiple specialists in the field of study related to the article critically review the article and recommend whether the article should be accepted or rejected for publication.

Part I: Select four American public safety organizations. Review each of the selected organizations' websites and tell the class which "current" research projects are being conducted and how these projects might pertain to your department/jurisdiction. As you evaluate the websites, analyze them for potential research topics/projects/reports of interest to you. Provide a brief synopsis of your review.

Part II: What, in your opinion, are the most important research issues currently facing your department/jurisdiction or your state? Which of these might you consider as a research topic for this course, and why? Substantiate (back up) your selection with data/information from the websites you reviewed.

Part III: Select one research article from one of the organizations you examined. Use the checklist presented above to evaluate this article and report your findings to your colleagues.

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Dissertation: What in your opinion are the most important research issues
Reference No:- TGS02518657

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