What impressed you most about this tedx talk

Assignment task:

Video source:  Own Your Behaviours, Master Your Communication, Determine Your Success | Louise Evans | TEDxGenova - YouTube

This speech is a call to action. We spend about eighty percent of our day at work, the rest is at home. If we have a bad day at work we are likely to take that negativity home with us and vice versa. It is of paramount importance that we create healthy environments in the spaces that most affect our lives by giving of our best and receiving the like in return. The 5 Chairs is a powerful and systematic method which helps us master our own behaviours and manage the behaviours of others. Use the attached link and watch the video, then write and submit a reflection answering the following: Which "chair" do you sit in most regularly? Which "chair" would you like to sit in more? What impressed you most about this TEDx Talk? [200-word minimum]

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