What important information you see in scenario description


You are a nurse at a free-standing cardiac prevention and rehabilitation center. Your new client in risk-factor modification is BJ, a 37-year-old traveling salesman, who is married and has 3 children. During a recent evaluation for chest pain (including a cardiac catheterization), he was diagnosed with angina pectoris, given a prescription for SL nitroglycerin, told how to use it, and referred to your cardiac rehabilitation program for sessions 3 days a week. BJ's wife comes along to help him with healthy lifestyle changes. You take the following nursing history: BJ's father died of sudden cardiac death at age 42 and his mother (still living) had a CABGx4 (quadruple coronary artery bypass graft) at age 52; his hypertension is controlled with nifedipine (procardia) 90 mg PO qd, which he has taken regularly; he has averaged 1 ½ cigarette packs per day for 20 years; an "occasional" beer ("a 6-pack every weekend with the football game") and a dietary history of fried and fast foods. His current weight is at 235 at 5'8"; he has a waist circumference of 48 inches. His VS are 138/88, 82, 18, 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit. What important information do you see in this scenario description?

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