
What implications of christakis research on social networks


Watch the YouTube video "Nicholas Christakis: The hidden influence of social networks" from medical doctor and sociologist Nicholas Christakis about social networks.

Christakis' talk about the power of social networks to influence our behavior is yet another example of research that confirms the power of groups (Asch experiments), group leaders (authority figures - Milgram experiments), and even informal networks (Christakis research) to influence our behavior. In the case of the influence of social networks, we may often fail to recognize the influence that social networks may have on us. In addition, we may fail to recognize the influence that we may have on our social network!

What are the implications of Christakis' research on social networks? How do you think it applies to your own life?

Think of your family, your community, the organizations of which you are a part, your faith community, etc. What are the possible concerns that may need to be addressed as we consider the research of Asch, Milgram, and Christakis?

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