1. A road construction project would increase the road capacity around the outside roads from International Drive to Disney World by 200 cars per hour (see Problem). The two paths affected would be 1-2--6-9--l 1 and 1-5-8-10-11. What impact would this have on the total flow of cars? Would the total flow of cars increase by 400 cars per hour?
Problem :-
Bechtold Construction is in the process of installing power lines to a large housing development. Steve Bechtold wants to minimize the total length of wire used, which will minimize his costs. The housing development is shown as a network in Figure 1.

2. Monohan Machinery specializes in developing weed- harvesting equipment that is used to clear small lakes of weeds. George Monohan, president of Monohan Machinery, is convinced that harvesting weeds is far better than using chemicals to kill weeds. Chemicals cause pollution, and the weeds seem to grow faster after chemicals have been used. George is contemplating the construction of a machine that would harvest weeds on narrow rivers and waterways. The activities that are necessary to build one of these experimental weed-harvesting machines are listed in the following table. Construct a network for these activities.