
What impact would these simultaneous attacks have on the

Discussion Question 1

In London on July 7, 2005, a series of coordinated attacks with an IED WMD were unleashed against London's public transport system. Is it morally or ethical right in practice to create such attacks against innocent civilians in retaliation without just cause?

Question 2

An international terrorist organization has established operations in the country of Mexico and has purchased a well-known pressure tank manufacturing firm located in Tamaulipas, Mexico. The purpose of the purchase is to enable the organization to unleash a massive WMD encased within a sealed container, which are typically shipped with sealed covers to protect the interior against exposure to the elements. The trucks will simultaneously deliver these WMD to major petro-chemical plants throughout the United States. Since this company typically delivers containers to the United States with no previous issues, security measures at the border are minimal. When all deliveries are in place, the massive containers containing the megatons of explosives will be detonated, effectively destroying the chemical plants and unleashing deadly chemicals into the prevailing winds as well as killing all life within the local vicinity.

What impact would these simultaneous attacks have on the national economy and the local communities throughout the United States? Moving past the deaths and illnesses created from the destruction, what probable impact would such destruction have on the environment? Why would this blast prove to be worse than the Oklahoma Federal Building attack in 1995?

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Dissertation: What impact would these simultaneous attacks have on the
Reference No:- TGS02469596

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