
What impact is hani behaviour having on joan

Assignment task:

Joan is a new, Aboriginal carer at Elise's service. Lately Joan has had a couple of days off work, and has also had a few days where she has started work later than others in her team.

Hani, another carer who is also one of Elise's good friends, begins to gossip about Joan at lunchtime. She says that Joan excludes herself because she is always so quiet and avoids eye contact with people. Hani doesn't like the fact that Joan is new but gets special treatment - no one else comes in late and takes time off, especially in their first two months at a new job!

Elise is not impressed by Hani's behaviour and decides to remove herself from the lunch group. She instead begins to spend some of her lunchtimes with Joan and some different carers. She learns that Joan takes time off to help with the care of one of her Aunties, who is very ill.

One afternoon Joan approaches Elise and tells her that she will be taking time off work due to Sorry Business. Elise is not sure what this means but does not want to appear ignorant and gives Joan her best wishes - she assumes it must not be good news due to the word 'sorry'. Joan says that their supervisor is very compassionate, and she is lucky to work for a company that respects her cultural traditions, but says that some of the staff make her feel shame.

The next day, Hani is talking negatively about Joan again. Elise has had enough, she decides to research Aboriginal culture so she can educate Hani before she gets herself into trouble.:

1. Research Aboriginal culture and explain:

  • Why Hani's opinion of Joan's approach to communication is incorrect and inappropriate.
  • Why Joan was caring for her Auntie.
  • Sorry Business and how Joan, her family and community would mourn.
  • Why Joan's community has a tradition to not say the name of the deceased for some time.

2. What impact is Hani's behaviour having on Joan? What did Joan mean about feelings of shame?

3. How do you think that Elise is contributing to a culturally safe and culturally competent workplace?

4. How should the workplace support Joan in terms of her absences?

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Other Management: What impact is hani behaviour having on joan
Reference No:- TGS03368494

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