
What impact does the united states debt have on united

Business Mangement Discussions

In Chapter 12 of Exploring Business the concepts of managerial and financial accounting were introduced. You also watched a classic video that illustrates the concept of a business going from being private held to publicly held. Reflecting on this, please answer the following in an original response that is at least four paragraphs in length:

• How does managerial accounting impact the ownership of a company in the goal to take the company public?

• How does financial accounting impact the ownership of a company in the goal to take the company public?

• Be sure to support your writing with references to your textbook, class readings, or at least one outside source in APA format (in-text citation and an accompanying reference list at the end of your post).

• Learning Activity #2:

Chapter 13 of Exploring Business examines the financial resources and the financial system of the United States. The chapter also described the role of a financial manager in a business with respect to making appropriate financing decision for the short and long term success of their organization. Finally, you examined the National Debt Clock and your personal liability if the national debt if it was to be divided by the population of The United States.

Taking all of this into account, consider the ongoing debate about the efficiency of how the government is run from a financial perspective and, in particular, the frequent string of annual budget deficits that have been contributing to the national debt. With this in mind, please answer the following in an original response that is at least four paragraphs in length:

• Do you feel the Federal Government is run in an efficient manner with respect to the decisions made by:

o Elected leaders (why or why not?)
o High ranking appointed officials (e.g. the Federal Reserve Board Governors and Chair) (why or why not?)
o The rank-and-file civil servants in all agencies and on all levels. (Why or why not?)

• What impact does the United States Debt have on United States Businesses?

• What impact does the United States Debt have on United States Consumers?

• Do you think the United States Debt will ever truly be "Paid In Full"? Why or why not?

• Be sure to support your writing with references to your textbook, class readings, or at least one outside source in APA format (in-text citation and an accompanying reference list at the end of your post).

• Commentary: Please provide a minimum 1-paragraph commentary on one of your fellow team members' article contributions.

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Business Management: What impact does the united states debt have on united
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