
What impact did the industrial revolution in england have

Choose one of the following questions to answer and respond to at least three other postings. Initial post 200-250 words/Responses +100 words. Remember that you will need to respond to my follow-up question as well.

1. The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay had fled an established church and religious persecution in England. Why, then, did they promptly establish their own church and persecute dissenters?

2. What were the major social and environmental developments that made America a new world for both Europeans and Indians?

3. What impact did the Industrial Revolution in England have on the American colonies?

4. Why did the colonists object to the new taxes in 1764 and again in 1765? What arguments did they use? How did these conflicts turn into a constitutional crisis?

5. What was the British policy of salutary neglect? Why did the British follow this policy? What consequences did it have for the British colonies in North America?

6. In what ways were the lives of women and men in New England similar? In what ways were they different?

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History: What impact did the industrial revolution in england have
Reference No:- TGS01556257

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