
What impact did epcra have on environmental audits

Address the following questions

1. What is EPCRA and what impact did EPCRA have on environmental audits? (include dates and history).

2. In your opinion, is NEPA fulfilling the function intended, and is it worth the effort? (Describe your opinion of its function and include at least one example to support your statements)

3. Describe the ways that environmental audit information can be protected from public disclosure. Include information on how to integrate each into an environmental audit program. Explain how each may be asserted and how successful you would expect them to be.

4. For each of the below laws, describe why / or why not the law applies to the fictional military installation, Fort Dette. See the scenario below:


b. CWA

c. CAA



Fort Dette generates used oil, contaminated fuels (diesel and gasoline contaminated with water), antifreeze, used oil filters, and rifle bore patches that have tested in the past to exceed 6 mg/l TCLP for lead.

There is significant construction on the installation including a 10 acre parking lot for the new HQ building, a new wastewater plant to treat all domestic wastewater, a new well for the HQ building (120 occupants), housing for all of the residents, and a new 150 bed hospital.

All solid waste is disposed of in an on-post landfill that has been in operation for the last three years with the exception of the hospital waste which is incinerated at the hospital.

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Other Subject: What impact did epcra have on environmental audits
Reference No:- TGS01895097

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