
What impact can ineffectivefaulty listening behaviors have

Effective listening is one of the most important skills we can work to master. The truth is that depending on the situation effective listening often requires great effort…effort some are not willing to make. These individuals often engage in ineffective, or faulty, listening behaviors. For each of the ineffective, or faulty, listening behaviors listed below provide a definition in your own words Once you have completed your personal definitions, provide an example from your personal life where you or someone you were interacting with engaged in one of the ineffective, or faulty, listening behaviors. If you cannot recall a specific example you may craft a scenario that demonstrates your understanding of the ineffective/faulty listening behavior. The ineffective/faulty listening behaviors to define and describe: Fraudulent listening Monopolistic listeners Completers Selective listeners Defensive listeners Now, one last thing: After you have completed all of the above answer the following question in a thoughtful paragraph: What impact can ineffective/faulty listening behaviors have on your performance and satisfaction in school, work place, and personal life? What will you do to reduce the negative impact of these behaviors?

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Operation Management: What impact can ineffectivefaulty listening behaviors have
Reference No:- TGS02900217

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