
What image few good man movie project of plea bargaining

Assignment task: Movie is a few good man

Q1. What image does this movie project about plea bargaining (Discussed in Chapter 12)? The case goes to trial, but would the defendants have been better served if they had pled guilty?

Q2. Defense attorney Daniel Kaffee rejects the plea bargain offered by the prosecutor. Was Kaffee representing the best interests of his clients or only flattering his own ego?

Q3. What image does this movie project about judicial independence? Would a civilian judge act the same way as a military judge?

Q4. How does this military court trial differ from a similar trial in a civilian court? How does this trial differ from trials in other movies?

Q5. Would the outcome of this trial have been different in a civilian court than a military court? If so how and why?

Q6. What image does this movie project about female lawyers?

Q7. What image does this movie project about legal ethics?

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