
What if we split the dataset in three sets training


Suppose you try one thousand configurations of the same investment strategy, and perform a CV on each of them. Some results are guaranteed to look good, just by sheer luck. If you only publish those positive results, and hide the rest, your audience will not be able to deduce that these results are false positives, a statistical fluke. This phenomenon is called "selection bias."

(a) Can you imagine one procedure to prevent this?

(b) What if we split the dataset in three sets: training, validation, and testing? The validation set is used to evaluate the trained parameters, and the testing is run only on the one configuration chosen in the validation phase. In what case does this procedure still fail?

(c) What is the key to avoiding selection bias?

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Other Engineering: What if we split the dataset in three sets training
Reference No:- TGS02722281

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