
What if stuxnet was never discovered by iran


I. What is a zero-day attack? How many existed within the Stuxnet worm?

II. What is the step-by-step process in how Stuxnet destroyed the centrifuges to include velocity speeds? What were the code and zero-day attacks within Stuxnet?

III. What was the role of the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency regarding Stuxnet? What did the programmers at the NSA initially call Stuxnet?

IV. Did Stuxnet make things worse and advance nuclear research and production after it was discovered by Iran? If so, how? If not, why?

V. What if Stuxnet was never discovered by Iran; do you believe the United States and Israel may have used it on another nation?

VI. Do you believe that Iran has the right to have nuclear power and a nuclear weapon program? Why or why not? Consider the current relationship status between the US and Iran today.

VII. Why did the United States partner with Israel to create Stuxnet in 2010? What were the alternatives? Do you believe they would do the same in the present day? Why or why not?

VIII. Why do the United States, Israel, and others allegedly involved in Stuxnet deny involvement with or knowledge of this worm?

IX. Do you believe that Stuxnet was an act of cyber warfare? Why or why not?

X. Do you believe that Stuxnet was an act of cyber terrorism? Why or why not?

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