
What if somehow the adrenal gland was shut off would this

I feel that our human nature ends when we start our daily/weekly routines. When you get fixed into a specified routine you begin to lose the humanistic part of your day. Our bodies basically are running as machines. During this mechanical nature we tend to forget about emotions and creative thoughts. This lack of emotion can cause problems and began arguments. When our minds are set on work or school its as if we forget about our human nature because all we can focus on is our task/routine. Now when we get home and the weekend starts we begin to lose our mechanical nature and our human nature can be expressed. When our lives are more free and opened instead of set into a routine the human nature side of us is able to express itself in more ways.

I found my self going back to the amygdala and the adrenal gland. What if somehow the adrenal gland was shut off? Would this cause stress levels in humans to drop? And if so could neurotransmitters play into this. Also could to many neurotransmitters cause mood swings and emotional problems?

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Dissertation: What if somehow the adrenal gland was shut off would this
Reference No:- TGS02447372

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