Assignment task:
If I was in charge of my practice I would definitely choose to have my patients medical records digitized. I feel like technology/computer based system has enough security measures to keep records safe. I would make sure there was encryption in the data software and limits on access to personnel. Only approved or authorized staff would be able to access the EHR. I would make sure that regular backups were scheduled and maintained. I would also store EHR on site with all the latest protection and firewalls and whatnot. I would also make sure that audits were conducted regularly and thoughly. Training regarding data security and password changes would be held monthly to ensure the best protection for sensitive information,
One of the reasons why I would implement digitized records over paper charts is space. Rent is expensive and to eliminate the need for more space for records, digitizing the records seem like the better option. It would also be more cost effective since you don't have to print and store files. Another reason is that you or other authorized providers can access and retrieve records immediately. This can be crucial in emergency situations. If different medical providers need information, the information can be swiftly sought and sent therefore quicker information access can lead to better informed decisions especially if time is of the essence. It just seems more beneficial to me than the old paper charts. With the world evolving more and more towards the advancement of medicine and tech, the efficiency of digital records just makes more sense to me.
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