Question: A 23-year-old female patient has generalized anxiety disorder and has been treated with sertraline and cognitive behavioral therapy with minimal improvement. A switch from sertraline to paroxetine did not improve her symptoms meaningfully and worsened existing insomnia. Her symptoms are rated as moderate-to-severe, and she reports substantial impairment at work as a research assistant and in her home life. Her healthcare provider prescribes quetiapine extended-release (XR) monotherapy 50 mg/day. Is this an appropriate next step for this patient's treatment? A. No; quetiapine XR is not an effective treatment for anxiety disorders B. No; treatment with a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor should be tried before quetiapine XR C. Yes; quetiapine XR has minimal tolerability concerns D. Yes; quetiapine XR monotherapy is appropriate for treatment-resistant generalized anxiety disorder. Looking for Assignment Help?