What if accusing party hasn''t suffered any physical injuries

Problem 1: If a person is arrested for assault and battery, can he also be sued in civil court by the accusing party for assault and battery?  What if the accusing party hasn't suffered any physical injuries?

Problem 2: If Paul means to hit Sally with a rock, but accidentally hits Pedro instead, can Pedro sue Paul?  For what tort and under what legal theory?

Problem 3: Members of the Westboro Baptist Church claim that the First Amendment protects them from IIED lawsuits since they are expressing a political opinion by picketing at soldier funerals. The pickets take place on public property and in compliance with local picketing laws. If the plaintiffs win the case, the church is unlikely to have the money to satisfy the judgment and may seek bankruptcy. Do you believe that this conduct is extreme and outrageous enough to constitute a tort? Why or why not?

Problem 4: Steve and Sam are playing "who can throw the baseball at the other the hardest."  The goal is for the thrower to hit the "target" in the chest as hard as possible.  It is Sam's turn and he whips the ball as hard as he can and accidentally catches Steve in the eye.  Steve sues Sam for assault and battery.  Does Sam have any defenses?

Problem 5: What are the types of damages available in a tort case?

Problem 6: Name and explain 3 of the intentional torts that are of specific concerns to businesses.

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Business Law and Ethics: What if accusing party hasn''t suffered any physical injuries
Reference No:- TGS03255587

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