
What ideas do you have about the use of the term christian

To understand and help another, one must first understand one's self. Collins (2001) poses the questions, "What makes counseling 'Christian'?" This is a multi-faceted question with many layers. Using a biblically based model, counselors must learn to correctly read and interpret Scripture, they develop an understanding of their own worldview and how it pertains to the counseling session. As we progress through the class, we begin the process of peeling away the layers to reveal first our first set of assumptions, our worldviews, and what sets Christian counseling apart from the rest.

What ideas do you have about the use of the term Christian Counseling? What makes a Christian counselor one of quality, that is, what are the essentials to have in place in order to refer to one as such? How do you envision yourself within that realm?

Christian Counseling- https://regent.blackboard.com/webapps/discussionboard/do/forum?action=list_threads&nav=discussion_board_entry&course_id=_138647_1&conf_id=_304967_1&forum_id=_1024096_1

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Dissertation: What ideas do you have about the use of the term christian
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