Some things you might think about or want to discuss include the questions below (these are not the totality of what you might want to consider). What comes to your mind regarding businesses, cities, individuals, or others? What should be done, and is that feasible? Is this a real, large issue? Or have we done enough to make this not much of a problem? What about the idea of businesses trying to drive towards "zero waste"? Some of what is discussed in both the video and class were the difficulty in changing human thought and action regarding waste. Some examples given in the video include the actions SafeCo field has taken, the design of the mini-mac, economic incentives, and other items. Hopefully, you also took from the class discussion and the video (including the discussion about the constant focus on the third R w/o regard for the first R) that it is not simple, the singular solution to waste. Include your thoughts on how you would address this if you had the power to do so. Where do you think the emphasis should be placed?