
What i can do to improve my strength is to organize my

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The feedback was helpful. It guides me throughout the process to improve the paper. I used the feedback given by the OWC instructor and my course instructor to improve my paper. I adjusted my introduction to fit the flow of the rest of my paper. I also modified my conclusion to flow better with my paper.

The surface level problems I had is to edit my writing. After turning my paper to the OWC and my GRST instructor for review, I was able to use their feedbacks to help me to edit my paper.

The deep level problem I had was to outline my paper. I had difficulty coming up with ideas of my topic and to organize my information. The outline example that was giving to us was helpful me. I used it throughout to guide me in my outline.

My major weaknesses were organization and formatting. I did not quite understand how to format my research paper correctly. The feedbacks I received were to organize my paper accordingly to flow better and to fit the APA writing style requirement.

The revision and editing steps helped me to look back at my paper, then to change things around, so my research paper flows better. I was able to revise, proofread and edit my paper.

My major strength was to draft my paper. After struggling to brainstorm my information and organize them in an outline, I was able to draft my ideas down without struggling.

The deep level process relates to this strength. I found it easy to draft my paper. I spent a lot of time doing research on my topic. I also spent a lot of time doing the outline, putting my research information together. It was easy for me to draft my paper afterward.

What I can do to improve my strength is to organize my information better, so it will be easy for me to organize my paper as I complete my draft.

I found this curse to be very helpful because it forces me to think critically and apply my ideas in writing. It gave me the opportunity to think about what I write and how I present my paper. I have learned great skills of the writing process while taking this class.

Yes, I will use the Online Writing Center for all my future writing assignments. The OWC helped me greatly throughout this semester to identify my writing errors which have helped me to see and learned from my mistakes.

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Other Subject: What i can do to improve my strength is to organize my
Reference No:- TGS02169771

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