
What historical period did you choose for your project

Assignment Task: This course project will require that you create a magazine cover and a written article to demonstrate your understanding of how works of art reflect the culture, politics, religion, and artistic movements of the era in which the artists created them. Review the topic choices on the previous screen and choose a historical period for your project. 

In Task 1, you will identify a period of history for your project topic, brainstorm ideas, and plan your project.  

PART A: What historical period did you choose for your project? Why did you choose this period?

PART B: Now that you have chosen your art period, brainstorm some ideas in response to the following questions.

  • How do artists use their media, tools, and creativity to express the period in which they live and work?
  • How do political events such as war, peace, and changes in political power affect the art of the time?
  • How do cultural and religious beliefs shape the artistic expression of the time?
  • How do advances in technology affect the artistic expression of the time?

PART C: On a separate piece of paper, plot your ideas for your project. Your magazine cover must contain the following elements:

1. The title of the magazine (For example, People, National Geographic, one you make up, etc.)

2. A headline for a main article or cover story featuring your culture's art. (For example, "The TRUTH about Asian Art!")

3. At least four article "teasers" (snippets of what the magazine includes that get you to want to buy it in the check-out line) that includes the following:

  • Teaser that features a historical event that took place during the history of the culture.
  • Teaser advertising a biography on one artist from that culture in particular.
  • Cover story which contains cultural/societal/political information for the people who practiced/participated/utilized the art
  • Teaser advertising a product/artifact of your choosing, relevant to your culture's art.

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Reference No:- TGS03360746

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