
What health-related issue currently affects a large people

Answer the below in 400 words each and use APA format:

1. Think of your local community. What health-related issue currently affects a large number of people within your community? How could research help address this issue? How would you go about articulating a plan to obtain more data on the health-related issue you identified?

2. In your opinion, what is the best method to obtain data on a health-related topic? Would you call your local health department, contact your physician, or email the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention? Perhaps you would do none of these. Where would you go to obtain data? You will discuss how you can retrieve data on a health-related topic of your choice!

3. Choose a topic that is appropriate for your future career.Select a scholarly article from the search results that interests you.After briefly reading the article, identify the Problem, Patient/Population, Action, Alternative Action, Result, and Evidence (PPAARE) of the research.

4. Using the Kaplan University Library, locate one of the following articles listed below* and answer the following questions:

1. What is the quantitative problem statement?

2. What is the quantitative purpose statement?

3. What are the quantitative research questions and hypotheses?

4. How was the data collected?

5. How was the data analyzed?

6. What was the benefit of using the selected statistical test?

7. What was the outcome of the study?
Ward, R. M., Popson, H. C. &DiPaolo D. G. (2010). Defining the Alpha Female: A Female Leadership Measure. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 17(3), 309-320.

Nowicka, P. Lanke, J., Pietrobelli, A., Apitzsch, E., &Flodmark, C. (2009). Sports camp with six months of support from a local sports club as a treatment for childhood obesity. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 37(8), 793-800.

Philips, N., Sioen, I., Michels, N., Sleddens, E., & De Henauw, S. (2014). The influence of parenting style on health related behavior of children: Findings from the ChiBS study. International Journal Of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 11(1), 1-23. doi:10.1186/s12966-014-0095-y

Celik, S. (2013). A media comparison study on first aid instruction. Health Education Journal, 72(1), 95-101.

5. Using the Kaplan University Library, locate one of the following articles below* and answer the following questions:

1. What is the quantitative problem statement?

2. What is the quantitative purpose statement?

3. What are the quantitative research questions and hypotheses?

4. How was the data collected?

5. How was the data analyzed?

6. What was the benefit of using the selected statistical test?

7. What was the outcome of the study?

Haws, K. L., &Winterich, K. (2013). When value trumps health in a supersized world. Journal Of Marketing, 77(3), 48-64.
Santry, H. P., Collins, C. E., Wiseman, J. T., Psoinos, C. M., Flahive, J. M., &Kiefe, C. I. (2014). Rates of insurance for injured patients before and after health care reform in Massachusetts: A possible case of double jeopardy. American Journal Of Public Health, 104(6), 1066-1072. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301711
Cegielski, J., Griffith, D. E., McGaha, P. K., Wolfgang, M., Robinson, C. B., Clark, P. A., & ... Wallace, C. (2014). Eliminating tuberculosis one neighborhood at a time. American Journal Of Public Health, 104(S2), S225-S233. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2012.300781
Wyshak, G. (2014). Height, socioeconomic and subjective well-being factors among U.S. women, ages 49-79. Plos ONE, 9(6), 1-17. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096061

6.Using the Web Resources provided this week*, identify a current epidemiological concern either at the local, national, or global level. Address the following questions:

What is the epidemiological concern?

What population is it affecting?

What potential population may be affected if this concern is not addressed?

What are the risk factors associated with the epidemiological concern?

What public health recommendation can you make to alleviate your identified epidemiological concern?

*Web Resources:


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